Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Wednesday the 11th a dry sunny day but the Autumn chill makes it's self known.

Greg has been busy on theMorris and got the rivnuts fitted to the cab floor frame and bolted the floor plate in.

The AA box was completed a couple of years ago and the paint on the wood around the name plates is peeling along with some black where the wood has cracked allowing bare timber to the rain.

After a wire brush and rub down a coat of white primer was applied

It was then painted with golden yellow sign writing paint

The Moris seat frame had some rot and heavy rusting so one edge plate got trimmed off ready for a new piece of metal to be welded on.

all the faces were cleaned with a sanding disc then a wire wheel before painting with black rust preventative paint.

The welding required repair of the well used torch where the swanneck had eroded back so far the mig welding tips were not screwing in securely and the guide sleeve was suspected to be worn as the feed speed was erratic.The gun was stripped and photographed just in case parts disloged.

The 7mm allen grub screw holding the neck on was well corroded and seized the allen key set went from 6mm to 8mm so a trip to the steam engine shop resulted in a tray of assorted size keys, eventually a good 7mm was located and inserted a undo or break excessive force action resulted in the grub screw undoing rather han breaking the key.

The reassembly also found the newly brought sleeve for Clarke hobby welders was the wrong fitment it did models 152 onwards not 151 we use.

Using the new swan neck and adjusting the drive wheel tension resulted in a nice regular egg frying crackle sound although excessive tension was needed as the drive wheel is worn so a new one is being procured. This job should improve the quality of welding no end as the wire feed will be a steady speed not stopping and starting.

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