Wednesday, May 8, 2024

 Thursday the 8th of May and sumner has arrived so T shirt weather. 

Taylors office new wood required a coat of dark stone as the white undercoat was a bit glaring

Then it was time to move the Scammell as they need the area for delivery of traction engine for the gala weekend.

Greg has been touching up the cream paint around the windows. 

The solar panel keeps the battery topped up so a gallon of petrol in the tank, prime the carb and it bursts into life.

A drive down to Hayles Abbey halt to finish off the shelter varnishing.

It was the back to Toddington for a tidy up of Taylors windows and a sweep around with weed pulling.

After a rub down and paint on 3 windows

Nature makes a mess so a tidy before the gala

The back of Boxford has suffered from the prevailing weather  so a rub down fill and repaint is required

Taylors leaky roof joint is dry enough for sealant removal and new sealant to be applied

Greg has finished the ticket sign which now looks like new as 1/3rd was missing

Final job was the compressor guard welds were dressed and sharp points removed the de rusted and primer applied ready for painting red.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Restoration of  GWR pattern, point oiling can.

This item, I found as a youth in a gangers on Chicken Curve just north east of Winchcombe.

It formed part of a museum collection in the early days of the GWSR.

Sadly, I pulled the much damaged item out of the skip at Toddington last year.


Here it is looking much happier after fashioning a new handle by flatening out a bucket handle and soldering it to the can.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 Wednesday May 1st summer has arrived at last the sun is out.

First job a quick repair of the iron gates.

The shrub stump is down to ground level so the lawn mower clears it.

The rear of Taylor office is rotten so needs replacing.

The Victorian floor joists are being used again so smooth the face and top then bevel the top edge.

The longest board was to short so two were used with an overlapping joint the pick axe was needed to lever the new board in against a shed wall that was bowing out

Finally fully in against the shed and secure

A quick coat of primer and job looks good.

The mower up the side and the shrubs trimmed and we have access.

It was then off to Hayles Halt to tidy the waiting shelter as the paint has faded. A rub down to get the bleached paint off it then a wipe with varnish diluted with white spirit applied with rags.
As we arrived the steam service was going past.

The sun bleached paint against the first application of varnish

We ran out of time so some more left for another time.

 Thursday the 8th of May and sumner has arrived so T shirt weather.  Taylors office new wood required a coat of dark stone as the white unde...