Wednesday, February 5, 2025

    Wednesday 5th Feb 25 a cool clear start but everything outside was wet.

So start in the shed on a world war 2 stirrup pump that needed some work as it was coated in grey preservative paint about 2 mm thick that had rubberised.


A serious attack on the large wire wheel got some off but a sharp implement and a screwdriver were needed to get the majority off and out of the corners and joints followed by some wire wool and more scraping. This is half of the foot plate post done which looked solid but was blocked with the paint


                       This was nearing completion of paint strip on the metal surfaces


The hardened rubber sleeve got treated with paint stripper whilst a visit to the line wagon took place but the exterior wood was to wet to paint so returned to the pump where the grey softened paint scraped off leaving the hard cracked rubber intact.


After some brass cleaning and polishing it was then time to mask up ready for a coat of gloss black as was found under the grey paint

the completed pump ready for display it just needs a hose fitted now.

As the warmer sun had been out and drying things up a walk to Honeybourne signal box showed most wood was drying

A nmanual stir of the paint got it useable and a base coat of dark stone was done

Back in the workshop the paint mixer was located and put on the wire wheel to clean off most of the residue and it is now in the drill ready to mix the paint for a second coat on Honeybourne

     Not a lot done but time consuming work and hopefully dry weather next week will allow a painting blitz on Honeybourne and the line wagon.

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 Wednesday 19th Feb 2025 a dry and warmer start to the day so outside painting can proceed ready for the spring opening of the railway. A wa...