Wednesday, November 22, 2023

November the 22nd another clear dry day  warmer than it should be for Autumn so another outside painting day.

Greg has been getting on with the Morris cab floor channels are in and the rear bulkhead painted and today he has started on the rotten rear roof seam.

The engineering department were given a corridor support mechanism which is for the end of the museum carriage and they made another from scratch for us


Newly made and awaiting paint

The 1874 building repaint is on going the light stone is finished and the dark stone application has started.

before and after of the North end

The North West corner is done

the South East corner in process

The West facing rear is nearly done


The West side roof had a nice collection of moss growth this was removed with a garden rake upside down and the sharp corners were ideal for tilting into the gap between the tiles, need to do the East side next.



                      Then it was gutter clear time as all the leaves are off the tree by the building and some moss had fallen in during cleaning.

The rain when it arrives will wash off the loose moss and clear out the debris left in the gutter but we now need to redo the concrete end stops as the leak.

Time consuming work again but another good clear warmish day should see it completed.


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