Wednesday, October 18, 2023

 Wednesday 18th October a warm morning with warnings of storm Babet forecast arrive.

                                        A quick sweep out of the Autumn leave fall.


Then time to get tarted with a galvanised GWR bucket in need of attention but only started today

                        Greg has salvaged more brass and copper from the skip to be weighed in.

He has also being busy repairing the dash to screen metal on the 2T 3CWT Morris this means the windscreens can be refitted before the winter sets in.

The track side lamp hut needed finishing off on the left side and front.

                                            The final piece of the left lower repair is in.


        The it was cut out the rot on the right corner and bend a new sheet to go around the corner this showed the bottom was a few inches out so needed clamping and pulling into the frame


Two 5" X 5" timbers a brick and lump of concrete were used to stop and deflection of the frame when tightening the clamp..


It was then on to the final corner where the door hinges are mounted the cross bar was fitted using hot rivets one of which had rotted out and sheared off. This was going to be an easy job but a hot rivet swells in the hole when peened over so knocking out became drilling out


After bending the new piece to have a 90 degree corner it was slid around and down from the inside and new bolts secured the hinges and frame.


This just leaves the need to source and fit two six foot long angle iron shelf supports on the right hand wall then all metal work is completed these supports will be on the left of the photo.

After finishing the corrugated repairs it was painting time on the interior GWR dark stone on the angle iron and cream om the tin.


It is hard to believe it was a damp dark shed with loads of rust that now just needs a final paint as the rain started and a shelf fitting.

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