Wednesday, September 27, 2023

 Wed 27th September preparing for the edge of storm Agnes with increasing winds.

first job was to ensure the free standing AA box could not blow over again as it had in a previous storm..

Then it was off to Winchcombe station to glaze the old lamp hut but this required emptying the one end of a shed that has been used as a dump for years. Greg had fitted the glazing bars and cut some glass to suit but we needed to remove the tin sheet and boards from the inside.

                                                    the starting point

Some of the rubbish and bits ejected to gain access including a metal megaphone we have taken on as another project.

After removing a cupboard full of rubbish we only had a shelf left to remove, the sheet tin was secured with umpteen nails and 3 screwed on planks for security but it all came off.

Prior to lifting off

Sheet removed and daylight floods in

plenty of putty and some tacks later we have a glazed shed.

A lot of rubbish was put in the metal skip and some unopened paint tins were taken back to the workshop for future work, pulley wheels were kept in case another railway is interested  in having them.

It was then back to Toddington and more work on the old lamp shed which Greg had started painting, Dinmore Manor came steaming past..

We had to measure the roof overhang and trim it back to the original size, the draughtsman straight edge ruler from the Fosse Cross display was very useful for the marking out, then it was 1mm cutting discs in the battery angle grinder.

The recently repaired door hinge failed with the uneven ground so it got removed and the welded up hopefully it will last now.

Greg had been busy in the week and the Morris cab got a rear floor panel fitted.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Greg, that Winchcombe lamp hut looks so much better with a proper window.


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