Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 Wednesday the 31st July and the heatwave continues for another day.

Greg has got the red on the Morris grill

Then  it was crane time in the sun with rotary brushes, wire wheels, degreaser and the water spray to was it down.


                                                     A few before and after shits

With some slack in the chain and applied lifting and pulling we managed to get the hoist chain out.

The museum coach doors needed tidying up and the veneer in the corridor had started to peel off .

Wood glue and a nailed on press solved

Doing it in stages down tbe panel

Nailed on press is lowered to the next session

Time for some darker graining on the GWR security box close to the original colour

Then time to start painting the exterior metal frames so reassembly can startèd

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 Full time Railway films live, in the Museum Coach and

Honeybourne North Junction Signal Box Museum.

Using two old laptops, showing digital recordings on a loop,

Visitors are now able to watch British Transport, and Railway Roundabout  films during their visit. 

These documentaries were recorded on television and film cameras, are of high quality and are

coupled with an informative narrative.

Historic scenes from the 1950's and 60's We hope to add more digital displays to further add value to the experience of our much valued visitors.

 Wednesday the 24th July a light drizzle before a few spots later on but good for working outside.

 More time on the crane more rust removal and protecting prior to the repaint after freeing off the seized pulley, controls and straightening the top shaft.

Wire brushes in battery drills, hammer and chisel for the corners does a satisfactory job.

It was then a long walk down to the narrow gauge railway headquarters to collect a old GWR notice board that is in need of repair. Must say I was impressed with their set up before the long walk back carrying the board which is now safely stored in Boxford building awaiting repair, forgot to take a photo.


Then it was back to stripping the outer metal from the GWR safe box which was not as easy as you would think.


3 corner plates each with 12 screws and the base which had 25 screws took a whiles as some were near invisible with rust and abrasion. underneath the wooden carcass is well constructed


but you have to wonder why they did not just make a full metal box and line it with wood.

                          The start of the cleaning process ready for painting.


The lock was opened up and found to be a simple device for a secure box  that automatically locks when it is closed so we think a home made key is a possibility


When the box was opened there were no valuables but a leather pouch with a strap to close it, the leather had gone hard and mould set in once the air got to it.


So up the workshop where it got treated to a coat of German leather protector

I then brought it home to continue the treatment where I applied a generous coat of leather Genie Balsam this has made the bag soft and pliable so another few treatments should improve it more.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

 Wednesday the 17th July a sunny warm day unlike the rest of july

.Greg has been busy with the Morris body work the grille has been de -rusted, repaired and filled now nearly ready for the red top coat.

He gas also rebuilt the gang masters horn so it now sounds.

Then it was crane work the plan is to strip it to straighten the top cross shaft which get bent during installation then repaint it the correct charcoal grey.  

Loads of wire brush wheels in the drill and a selection of abrasive paper and pads along with a hammer and chisel should be ok.
The 2 selector levers need to come off a simple task of one split pin out remove the washer and pull the levers off their pivot pin resulted in 2 hours of getting no where as the outer is part seized and locks solid if moved a fraction.

Whilst up the the trains were passing on what looked quite a busy day.

The rust and peeling paint removal was a lot easier bit messy under the hot sun but we got some primer on to protect it. 

So not much result for the hours that are going in . It looks like we need the hot oxy propane gas torch on parts to get it all free for removal..

Monday, July 15, 2024

 Monday the 15th and some work from home a couple of hours painting the crane signs after painting them matt black the other day it was long bristled brush time to do the raised letters and surrounds in white.

A patch repair to the serial number plate was considered but decided against as it is a 128 years old

Thursday, July 11, 2024

 The GWR Parcel Van, Safe box.

We have this item in poor exterior condition and it is locked.

To restore it we need it open so we can dismantle the exterior ironwork, brass plates etc.

The only way to open it was to drill out the four Coach bolts securing the lock in place.

With this done I was able to open the box, and be pleasantly surprised, to find an empty leather cash bag inside, marked Stratford Upon Avon.

I can open up the lock now, make a new key and restore it to ensure it's future.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

              Tuesday the 9th July and overcast day but it kept dry to work on the crane.

                      Nearly 3 weeks with missing updates so catch up time.

            Greg has been busy with the Austin the front grille is now under going restoration


An ammo box was saved and is being done up as a tool box to go on the Scammell iron horse

Another notice board has been saved and is ready for display.

Nature has not been hanging around and is making a take over bid so a quick bit of weeding

It was then time for derusting and prepping the yard crane base first..

Not being touched for a while the slew action was stiff and we could not push it around but a length of 2.5m domestic wiring tied to the hook allowed us to pull it around easily.

The slewing around to align the crane jib with the base enabled us to  get the platform steps closer.

The GWR and Safe Working Load plates were unbolted for cleaning.

They were shot blasted and cleaned ready for repainting
these plates need so 10mm or 3/8 counter sunk bolts to refit them as the casting hole is tapered.

We need to strip out the main shaft for straitening as it has a slight bend as a result of being dropped during it's removal and move to Toddington. However the gears and spacing collars are seized on the shaft after 138 years so soaked in oil and .penetrating fluid so a job for another day.


 Wednesday 9th October are dry warm start then the light rain came in. In the last week Greg has added more to the Hayles Abbey Sign and sta...