Wednesday the 17th Jan 2024 a lovely clear day but a bitter cold wind and outside all the time so our hands got cold which made tasks a bit harder handling small nut and screws.
Greg has been busy buying Lidle magnetic tool holder strips these should make tool location easier and save searching once we are used to the relocation.
From last week I did not get a photo of the start of the old tool labeling in the Foss Cross building, carbon print and sealed from the environment so they should last.
The museum coach corridor connection was the first target as Greg had used some old timber just to hold the canvas on, now we had some hardwood strips it was time for a change the outer new one is fitted in this photo.
the completed task and a replacement out top cover is being made to go above the top so daylight will not be visible through the wear holes.
It was time for a trip to the old railway yard at Beckford to see the owners representative Jim about the possibility of saving Taylors old shed which is from before 1866. A fruitful conversation on it was followed by a look at the old engine/loading shed and a site walk which has prompted the need for a search for old photos and information on the yard area.
The west side of the engine/loading shed wall has a angle in it where the extension was fitted as it was beside the tracks and the extension needed a taper on the side to clear the railway lines
The original west platform remains the blue curved edging stones were removed by GWSR a long time ago and are now on Toddingtons platform. There is a fully wooden lorry/cart bed on the top of it with shaped edges on the timber which posibly denotes it as pre world war 2.
Looking north up the track bed towards Ashton Underhill and Evesham from the platform area.
The site is surprisingly long and wide for a small village showing how busy it must have been with produce and cattle from the Vale of Evesham. This is the track bed view north from the end of the yard.
A perimeter walk turned up a lot of Dumbleton bricks which were made by Taylors at the Dumbleton village brickworks and a fitted end on and tapered to make an arch.
By Taylors shed is an old waste oil tank this may be available to the trust for restoration
Final task of the day was to refit the modern wiring conduit to the end of the pay office