Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 Today 31st of August, The Scammell Iron Horse now has anti freeze in the cooling system, rear wings prepped and repainted, the red paint was lightly T cut then buffed with a light abrasive disc before having a coat of varnish applied to protect the paint as it had faded which is a known problem with the red pigment in paints.

The box trailer front leg has had a spring fitted to the safety catch after heating and removing the rusty remains of the old spring from the anchor holes. A start was made on the red paint on this as it is faded and discoloured.

Greg stripped out the mechanism on the Avery platform scales over by the museum coach ready for repair and repaint as it would be nice to have them working so visitors can weigh themselves in stone, pound and ounces if a way of securing the measuring weights can be worked out.

An old fruit crate which was undergoing repair by Greg has now been treated and looks like new.

Note to self take photos of the tasks for the blog.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Heritage update

by Greg Wigg

 A few Heritage spots

Here are the remains of a Ransom, crawler crane in a stone Quarry near Portland Bill.

Here is an example of a GWR concrete lamp post, as well as the cattle pen, still in situ at Alvescot station site on the old Fairford to Oxford Branch Line.
This BR (WR) gem, is now in the possession of the R and A trust, just looking for a place to display it.

An old agricultural implement,, located on the  Ridgeway, near Ashdown.

The Boxford station building.

The Lambourn branch line of the Great Western Railway had a number of rural stations, each, very similar in design.

This is the old station building from Boxford,  it was moved to the village centre after closure of the line, for use as a bus shelter.
Due for demolition in 2017, the, R and A trust took it on as a project, moving it back to Toddingtion, Where it has been rebuilt

This first photo, is Welford Park ,from the same line, saved by the Great Western society at Didcot.
I always thought that it was one of the the best looking,  wooden railway buildings.

When the Boxford building became available, I jumped at the chance of saving it.

However, a lot of the building had to be replaced,  it now is back together, waiting for the right place to re-site it.
Thanks to Keith Taylor,
on this one, for his enthusiasm to undertake the hardest of restorations.

Scrap metal Drive.

We have funded all our restoration work, through sales, from our small second hand shop at Toddington Station.
We also ask for donations  of non ferrous metal, Brass, Copper, Lead, Car Batteries etc, we have raised £7,400 to date, through this scheme, and we want to expand it further.
If you want to donate, useful scrap metal, within picking up distance, please call me on 07917666040,
Many Thanks Greg

Monday, August 22, 2022

 The Andoversford AA box - Then and Now
Blog post by Greg Wigg.

This rare example was moved from Andoversford, Gloucestershire to a garden in Langley road, Winchcombe in the mid 1960's, for use as a garden tool shed.

We were offered it in 2020, moving it back to our base in Toddington.

Greg Wigg and Keith Taylor rebuilt the box with the view of using it as either, a movable exhibit, or relocate it at the entrance of the wonderful, new build, Edwardian, Broadway Railway station, to catch the eye of passers by. 

Our Photos show it, in as found condition, and now, under restoration.

The box in 2021
The box in 2022

Here is a typical chest of workshop drawers made from an early 20th century banana crate, In those days , resourceful, people, used whatever they could, to put to good use.

This was not a throw away society.

Here is the chest restored, and, now, very much in use.

This old cast iron fireback, had been thrown in a skip, so today it was placed in the Chelation tank,l leave it in there for a couple of months, then pressure wash the loosened rust off.

These fire backs, protected mortar from vitrification, leading to loose brickwork in the fire place.

They doubled as a heat store, preventing heat loss through the brickwork whilst releasing stored heat back into the room as the fire died down.

They have been around for about 700 years,current internet prices, start at around £40 rising to a £1,000. Will post the restored item when ready.

 Our 1959 Scammell Scarab, is under going repairs and restoration,

Today, the indicator lenses had a cut and polish and are looking like new.



The nearside wing of our,1960 3 ton,Morris Commercial lorry.

Five steel patches, let into replace badly rusted areas, then treated to a coat of primer.

The wing has been panel beaten as far as possible, with the aim, to use a lot less body filler than it's first restoration. 

Today, wed 24th August The AA box, has regained its  original location, identity at Andoversford, with new signage in the top lights.

We hope to move box to various locations, changing the identity to suit.

Broadway station entrance would be a great location,

It would attract curiosity from passers by, doubling as a photographic prop, for those with classic cars.

The more photographs that are taken, the more they appear on the internet and in print, each, 
promotes the GWSR. 

Keith Taylor, replaced the Scammell Scarab brake light switch returning all lights, including the trailer, to working order.

I forgot to pay Keith  for the switch, this blog will remind me to settle up.

Heritage spot.

We will record photos of existing relics from the past, to either, try to save, or bring to the attention of others, that these relics are still hanging on by their teeth.

Two Great Western Railway Gateposts at Llanelli Station

Station building and cast iron gate posts at Badminton Glos.

Yes, in the third pic, there is a gatepost underneath the Ivy and wire.

These, Great Western railway, provender sheds, are at the former, Ilminster station in Somerset.

Ideal for, ultimately moving, and reusing on a heritage railway, looking as if they may be swept away for redevelopment, any time soon.


Monday 30th December the fog has finally gone so a colder but clearer day. first job was de bag the pigeons and hang them on wires in the wi...