Wednesday 26th March a lovely warm spring day so outside it is.
The old GWR notice board has undergone repair and wood treatment.
One of the Shell petroleum spirit can has been painted.
We have been left a GWR ratcheting tensioner tool so this needed a session on the wire wheel for the outer parts and a shot blast for the mechanism after which the shot was cleaned out and the tool coated in lanolin for display in Foss Cross.
The GWSR wanted their car parking space back where we had the scammel flatbed trailer parked so time to awaken the scammel after winter. The fuel was drained and new put in but the lift pump would not prime. Top off and the seal had shrunk leaving gaps but the pump was dry and full of verdigris so a new piece of PTFE gasket cut to shape and pump removed to tip the debris out followed by a mechanical clean to remove the mess inside.
checking the fuel lift pump the verdigris tipped out
Thecontam ination left in the pump after tipping upside down it needed doing to stop contamination blocking the jets in the carburettor
after a re fit and bleed the carburettor primed and away it went after a few stabs of the starter button proving the solar panel has kept the battery ok. so off over to the flatbed trailer and couple it up, the scammel system is great and easy one man operation.
We had a seized brake but this came free after the second reverse attempt.
Then it was onto the Scammell box body trailer for a clean of the body seems as somebody in the past had used silicon sealant in the joins, rubbing it down proved awkward with the sealant so a decision to remove all the screw from the panel join was taken making access easier.
The joint as it was with no screw slots visible and masses of silicon about
After more sanding, scraping and wire brush work the sealant was off removing 20 plus wood screws helped access.
A coat of primer was applied to check for any fish eye caused by remaining silicon sealant.
The right side go a new cream top coat